Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Holy Family Picnic

Nothing says Christmas like a Holy Family Picnic.

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And there were, in that region, shepherds, eating fried chicken by night. And an angel of the Lord stood before them, and they were sore afraid! But the angel said to them, "Put those drumsticks into a basket and go see what you find in Bethlehem!"

And they went, and they found Mary, and Joseph, and the Babe, wrapped in a picnic tablecloth.

Wise men from the East also came, bearing with them gifts of Cold Leftovers and More. These they offered before the child and his mother, and Mary kept all of these things, pondering them in her heart and serving up a fine lunch to Joseph the next day.

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Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. I drove by this display 3 times a week during December. I found the ropes and cords a bit alarming, but I expected they would mean that the entire display would be lighted sometime. Perhaps, surely, on Christmas Eve?

It wasn't.

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